INTAROS General Assembly

The H2020 INTAROS project held its 2020 Annual General Assembly in Sopot, Poland on January 8th-10th.

The meeting gathered representatives of the 49 partners involved in the project and reviewed the progress made during the past year in the 8 work packages, including not only scientific results obtained thanks to newly available INTAROS data covering the whole environmental sphere (Ocean/Land/Atmosphere) and domains (physics/biology) but also results in terms of data integration and management, community based knowledge, or interactions with key stakeholders for a sustainable Arctic Observing System.

Although the Euro-Argo ERIC itself is not part of the INTAROS Consortium, Argo activities have been carried out in the INTAROS project by several partners, such as IOPAN and CNRS, including Argo float deployments in ice-covered areas.

The Euro-Argo ERIC was represented at the meeting by Claire Gourcuff, member of the INTAROS Advisory Board, and discussions were continued regarding future opportunities for extending Euro-Argo deployments in the Arctic Ocean.