Highlights from the 7th Euro-Argo Science meeting

The 7th Euro-Argo Science meeting, hold by Euro-Argo in Athens the 22nd and 23rd of October, gathered around 80 European scientists.

This video summarizes all the intensive work accomplished during this two days meeting: 

7th EUro-Argo Science MeetingHighlights from the Euro-Argo Science Meeting held in Athens in October 2020. 

Why this meeting?

● To bring together European users of Argo data and to provide an opportunity for high-level science interactions

● To stimulate research activities using Argo data

● To highlight the new fields of research activities and applications allowed by the extensions of the core Argo programme to biogeochemistry, greater depths, and specific regions of interest (marginal seas, high latitudes)

● To allow users to widen their experience of the Euro-Argo community and welcome young scientists

● To discuss how Argo should evolve within Europe and globally