European Commission Ocean Observation event

On June 18th the European Commission Ocean Observation event “Ocean observing technology: optimising European capability & ocean observing gaps and requirements” was held online. This event aimed at identifying how to accelerate deployment of more efficient and effective ocean observation technology and to look into gaps and requirements in ocean observation.

This event gathered 97 people, such as Ocean Observing and Marine Technology experts, Marine Research Infrastructures, wider Marine/maritime industry, wider policy (e.g. Regional Sea Conventions), European policy makers, European Investment Bank, International (e.g. Ocean Enterprise) etc.

It was organised by the EC Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Maritime Innovation, Marine Knowledge and Investment, and co-organised by the EMODnet Secretariat, European Marine Board, EuroGOOS and Copernicus Marine Service.

Discover the speakers’ presentations on the EC Maritime Forum article, the graphic recordings from the two sessions on the EMODnet Open Conference website or through the virtual exhibition website.

Euro-Argo involvement

Euro-Argo advocated for sustained funding for Ocean Observations, from national Members (Ministries), but also from the European Commission. The importance of R&D projects to support floats and sensors innovation and testing in Europe was clearly state. The need to set up, in addition, implementation projects – or sustained funding mechanism – to turn these R&D innovations into significant European market capabilities was deemed essential.

During this event, Euro-Argo highlighted how MOCCA project contributed to strengthen European manufacturers position in Argo program. Some of the current challenges of the ocean observing technologies for Argo were presented, like the need to:

  • Extend the range of available manufacturers or sensor models on Argo platforms for existing variables
  • Develop the availability of manufacturers or sensor models on Argo platforms for new variables
  • Sustain or develop efficient relationship with the floats and sensors manufacturers