Ocean Observers initiative

What is the Ocean Observers initiative?

The Ocean Observers initiative brings together ocean scientists, educational authorities and teachers, marine communicators, sailing community and other stakeholders (public, policy-makers, etc.), who are willing to share marine science educational resources and experiences for exploring the possibilities to establish new international collaborative activities. A key focus of the initiative is to gather and share experience on educational activities related to in situ ocean observations, to be able in the longer term, to assemble all educational materials in a unique repository freely accessible that will help to build a global ocean observation learning platform.

  • What is the global ocean circulation and how it impacts our life?
  • Why do we observe the oceans?
  • How do we do in situ measurements of physical and biogeochemical ocean properties?
  • What are the various Ocean Observing networks?
  • What educators, NGOs, public and private sectors worldwide do to explain and disseminate the importance of the in situ ocean observations?

These are just a few of the questions that are addressed through the educational materials stored on this website.

The Ocean Observers initiative is jointly lead by the World Meteorological Organization – Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO Centre - OceanOPS - and the European contribution to the Argo Programme – Euro-Argo ERIC.

Who might be interested in Ocean Observers initiative?

Ocean scientists, teachers or representatives of an educational authority, marine communicators, and more generally any citizen involved in educational activities focused on ocean observations.