Argo data access

Discover the two Euro-Argo tools to visualise Argo floats metadata and data

Latest News

Read this article about Argo floats published in "Frontiers for Young Minds"

Published on 5 september

This article invites young readers to know more about Argo floats crucial role within the context of environmental changes.

Job offer for a Deputy Project Manager

Published on 22 july

The Euro-Argo ERIC Office is opening a fixed-term Deputy Project Manager position.

Job offer for an IT Delevoper

Published on 22 july

The Euro-Argo ERIC Office is opening a fixed-term Information Technology Developer position.

3 million Argo profiles!

Published on 17 july

Euro-Argo publications

Find out more about Euro-Argo ERIC’s vision and mission, as well as its updated five goals, and its main scientific and operational drivers: climate change, ocean health and operational services in a brochure.

To better understand and predict the ocean's role in the climate system and scrutinize its health.