Jacquie McGlade float

The Jacquie McGlade float was deployed in the Labrador Sea

This Euro-Argo float is named Jacquie McGlade in recognition of her continuous and enthusiastic support, as the Executive Director of the European Environment Agency, for Euro-Argo and the MyOcean project.

The float  ‘Jacquie McGlade’ was deployed on the 14th May at 17:30 PM from the CCGS Hudson, an offshore oceanographic and hydrographic survey vessel. The deployment position was 57.785° N, 51.322° E, at station 17 of the AR7W transect which is a main part of the Labrador Sea Monitoring Programme (AZOMP).

The float is equipped with sensors for the following variables: oxygen, chlorophyll, nitrate, temperature, salinity and irradiance.

Jackie McGlade float © L.O.V

To follow the float on Coriolis WWW site click here

You can follow the float here: http://www.oao.obs-vlfr.fr/bioargo/PHP/lovbio011b/lovbio011b.html

Trajectory of the Jacquie McGlade Argo float

© L.O.V